Varefakta Requirements contain information about:
- the scope of the specific Varefakta requirement,
- minimum requirements for the product group in concern,
- requirements considering information in the declaration,
- a number of examples of the design of declarations with Varefakta labelling,
- a specification of requirements for the individual information,
- requirements concerning instructions for use, if relevant to the product concerned
- description of Varefakta’s mandatory random control of products with Varefakta labelling and associated control results and costs.
Tell your opinion about the Varefaktas Requirements
Varefakta requirements are in an ongoing process and everyone is invited to comment on our requirements.
A hearing like this is the opportunity for you and other stakeholders to give your opinion about what requirements you think should be made for children’s beds, cosmetics or smoke detectors.
In Varefakta’s hearing portal, we provide you as a consumer, producer or supplier with the opportunity and access to participate in hearings and follow the democratic process. Here you can see hearings, give a hearing answer and read someone else’s hearing response. Find the Varefakta requirements you want to give your opinion about and fill in the contact form on the corresponding page.