Artwork check

Varefakta checks that the labeling text is stated in accordance with the prepared translation/pack copy. In addition, we check that all voluntary information, e.g text, claims, pictures, illustrations, and the like, is listed in accordance with applicable relevant food legislation.

Artwork check

Artwork check is performed only by prior translation or pack copy made by Varefakta.

Varefakta checks that the text on the artwork is stated in accordance with the prepared translation/pack copy. In addition, we check that all voluntary information such as text, claims, pictures, illustrations, and the like, is listed in accordance with applicable relevant food legislation.

In an artwork check, we check the following:

  • That the mandatory labeling information is stated in accordance with Varefakta’s prior regulatory translation or declaration/pack copy.
  • Whether there are misleading illustrations, information, storytelling, or quality, and content claims.
  • The use of nutrition and health claims, including that the product complies with criteria for use and design of the claims.